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Helle Trevino

I am…

Those two words says a lot about me.

Great work stems from great processes. I live in the moment. I live in the now. The past is just my journey to the now, and the future has not arrived yet. I enjoy my life and I make my dreams become real. I create my own reality as if I was writing a novel. I go with the flow, and I believe all things are possible. I believe in the power of manifestation and a positive mindset.

Discipline your mind…

When I was 10 I knew I wanted to become a professional athlete. And when I was 17 I knew I wanted to become a professional bodybuilder, and that I wanted to be the best in the World. I turned pro at 27, and I did go on to become the best in the world by winning the Rising Phoenix Worldchampionships, twice. I also knew early on that I wanted to be my own boss, so I started my online fitness coaching business in 2003. Since then I’ve expanded my business by hosting power of your mind seminars and training technique seminars around the world. I also offer private mental strength sessions in which I teach how to discipline the mind and strengthen it – just like you exercise a muscle to become stronger. I believe I was born with a strong mind, my upbringing cultivated it and competing in professional bodybuilding made it even stronger.

Giving back…

I love people and I love to work with people. I feel stagnant if I’m in the same place too long. Traveling and giving back to the world is in my blood and brings me joy. I happily participate in charity events or campaigning for a good cause. I spend as much time being out in the world as being inside my own world. I love yoga and meditation. It gives me peace and recharges my batteries. Bodybuilding is strength and power – a lot of yang energy. Yoga and meditation is the ability to be still and relaxed (soft) – yin energy. This combination is the perfect balance for me. I enjoy having friends around me. My friends are family.

The future…

My future goals are to further the sport of women’s bodybuilding, and to fight for gender equality. I don’t conform to social norms or narrow boxes. I believe life is best lived in a positive fluent way embracing your own individuality and choosing your own happiness. I’ll continue to spread that message in the world. I’d like to win the Rising Phoenix World championship title again next year along with the Ms Olympia. My goal is to be the first woman in history to hold both titles. Lately I’ve started to work more in the entertainment business. I’ve worked on some documentaries, music videos and shows. That’s a path I’ll continue to follow and expand. Check out my OnlyFans page and learn more about my life as a professional athlete. You can follow my journey to winning my third Rising Phoenix Worldchampionship and the Ms Olympia that is making its comeback this year.


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